Notes on week 19 of 2024

3 things this week: 


It’s 2 weeks since I stopped working. Still getting used to it. Feels wrong. 

Workwise, I do this to find new: 

Personally, I do this to:

By stop, I mean: 

More busy than ever(ish)

I fill my time with stuff, rather than do the stuff above. I distract myself. So I’ve blocked time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings to cycle, sit and reflect. That’s all I’ll do.

New co-working space

On my 2nd day of funemployment, I went to a meetup. It was held at Fabrik, a co-working space for community builders. It’s in Old Street, London. 

The atmosphere and people are nice. So I joined and became member number 42. I can bring a guest everyday, so contact me if that’s you.